Latest Important Judgements List

Sno. Case No Description Judgment
1 RSA - 2819 -1997 DECIDED ON - JANUARY 15, 2024 (Size:166.62 KB,Type:pdf)
2 RSA - 3395 -1997 DECIDED ON - FEBRUARY 26, 2024 (Size:111.13 KB,Type:pdf)
3 CWP- 1294-2024 De nova departmental inquiry after of petitioner, police inspector post his retirement aside. (Size:160.33 KB,Type:pdf)
4 CRM-M 2191 2024 Constitution of India, 1950—Arts. 226, 227—Punjab Police Rules, 1934—Rule 16.28—Punjab Civil Services Rules, Rule 2.2—De-novo Departmental Enquiry by reviewing Authority—Departmental proceedings initiated against Petitioner on account of dereliction of duty (Size:708.51 KB,Type:pdf)
5 CWP - 29608 -2022 The court settled that the termination of a probationer’s service under Rule 7(2) does not require a formal inquiry or the assigning of a cause, provided the probationer’s conduct is found unsatisfactory. (Size:1.02 MB,Type:pdf)
6 CWP - 2752 -2018 Corporation is well within its rights to cancel the candidature of an LPG distributorship for insufficient bank balance. (Size:160.89 KB,Type:pdf)
7 CWP - 28347 - 2017 Object of compassionate appointment is to provide the distressed family immediate succor and financial assistance to recover from unexpected loss of income. (Size:201.37 KB,Type:pdf)
8 CWP - 21878 - 2017 The judgment reinforced the principle that when the government or its agencies utilize private land for public purposes like laying transmission lines, they are obligated to provide just and fair compensation for the land affected even if the land is not fully acquired. (Size:445.04 KB,Type:pdf)
9 FAO 2558 of 2016 "MACT Claim - Statutory liability - Negligence of driver not a sine qua non for Award of compensation - LRs of deceased driver are also entitled to Compensation - Insurer cannot avoid liability." (Size:213.89 KB,Type:pdf)
10 CWP-PIL-77 -2021 Direction passed in the matter, taken up suo motu by this Court in viewing of the alarming increase in the COVID-19 pandemic and the grave situation that has arisen as a result thereof.Order dated 07.03.2022 (Size:137.48 KB,Type:pdf)
11 CWP-1007-2022 Const. - Article 31-B and Article 13 (2) - 9th Schedule laws - still enjoy immunity for violation of fundamental Rights. Question on this aspect - not to be asked as MCQ type in any Public Service Selection Exam. (Size:256.21 KB,Type:pdf)
12 CWP-PIL -77 -2021 Direction passed in the matter, taken up suo motu by this Court in viewing of the alarming increase in the COVID-19 pandemic and the grave situation that has arisen as a result thereof.Order dated 20.01.2022 (Size:169.07 KB,Type:pdf)
13 CR -7265 - 2019 Punjab Rent Act - filing petition itself a notice - Registration Directory - Unregistered- agreement can be led in evidence - Issue on 'bona-fide necessity' cannot be framed. (Size:326.73 KB,Type:pdf)
14 CWP-PIL -77 -2021 Direction passed in the matter, taken up suo motu by this Court in viewing of the alarming increase in the COVID-19 pandemic and the grave situation that has arisen as a result thereof.Order dated 28.04.2021 (Size:126.29 KB,Type:pdf)
15 CWP 17459 2019 Fairness - Investigation and Challan - both can be quashed - if found to be malicious, irrational, absurd or malafide and resulting into miscarriage of justice. (Size:710.86 KB,Type:pdf)
16 CRM-M-16013-2020 While exercising suo-motu powers U/S 482 Cr.P.C quashed instructions dt. 4.5.17 by Bureau of Investigation, Pb. and held that during Investigation in FIR, no parallel inquiry can be conducted to examine innocence of accused. (Size:392.52 KB,Type:pdf)
17 CRM-M-47872-2019 Warrant of arrest-During investigation-not to be issued in routine-Appl. by police only saying-accused evading arrest-not sufficient-Warrants to be-only for removing legal hurdles,if any No declaring PO at the stage of investigation. (Size:183.85 KB,Type:pdf)
18 CRM-M-36693 of 2019 Companies Act-Investigation of a person outside the company-separate approval from Govt.-not required by I.O. of SFIO-conditions under section 212(6)not mandatory-But no automatic bail under section 88 Cr.P.C. (Size:511.50 KB,Type:pdf)
19 CRM-M-30633 of 2019 Trial u/S 138 NI Act-Signatures on cheque not disputed-Cheque to be taken as validly drawn-The fact that the body of the cheque was not filled up by accused himself-is no defence in itself. (Size:200.74 KB,Type:pdf)
20 CRM-M-12329-2018 Section 156(3)CrPC-Magistrate not required to record explicit reasons for ordering registration of FIR and investigation- No Revision lies against such order -Except in a case where Magistrate not competent to take cognizance (Size:329.70 KB,Type:pdf)
21 CRR-9872-2018 SEC-143A NIACT - Not applicable to pending trials - Trial Court - not to order 20% as interim compensation. SEC-148 NIACT - Applicable to pending appeals - Appellate Court can order deposit of 20% or more amount. (Size:390.03 KB,Type:pdf)
22 CRR-767-2018 Determination of age of juvenile - Matric certificate no more enjoys primacy - Court can determine on physical appearance or in case of doubt - on the basis of Matric certificate or school certificate. (Size:117.45 KB,Type:pdf)
23 CRM-M-38052-2013 Re-examination of a witness u/s311 Crpc-Not to be denied only because case is not covered u/s138 Evidence Act-criteria u/s311 Crpc different than criteria for Sec-138 Evidence Act. (Size:196.62 KB,Type:pdf)
24 CRM-M-37435 of 2018 Electronic record or computer output-cannot be led in evidence unless certificate, as required by Section 65-B of Evidence Act is filed-No distinction of 'Primary' or 'Secondary' evidence for requirement of the certificate. (Size:191.57 KB,Type:pdf)
25 CRM-M 17300 of 2017 Compounding of offence u/s 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 Not permissible except with the consent of the complainant. (Size:159.47 KB,Type:pdf)
26 CRM-M-35080-2018 In a mixture/solution of neutral or Non-psychotropic substance and the narcotic/psychotropic substance-quantity of only Narcotic/psychotropic substance is to be counted for commercial quantity-neutral/other-not to be counted (Size:499.55 KB,Type:pdf)
27 CRM-M-30643 of 2018 Conditions as mentioned in Section 37(1)(b)(ii) of NDPS Act -Discriminatory, irrational, unreasonable and unjust - cannot be insisted upon by the State to defeat the right of bail to an accused. (Size:370.53 KB,Type:pdf)
28 CRM 31873 2018 Merely because complaint u/s138 NIA is filed--is no ground to quash the separate FIR u/s420/406 IPC. Offences u/s138 NIA and u/s 420/406 IPC not mutually exclusive. Both can go on side-be-side. No double jeopardy. (Size:182.32 KB,Type:pdf)
29 CWP No 26 of 2018 No Confidence Motion - against President of Municipal Committe - Secret ballot voting not required - Motion carried if passed by voting by show of hands (Size:212.38 KB,Type:pdf)
30 RSA 2879 of 2009 Jurisdiction of Civil Court - under Section 50 of HUDA Act - Not barred against the orders of appellate authorities of HUDA (Size:279.29 KB,Type:pdf)
31 CWP No 24614 of 2016 Promotion to IAS -- Judicial Review -- of selection proceedings not excluded. Categorization of officer by Selection Committee has to be objective -- to be supported by relevant material on record. (Size:333.53 KB,Type:pdf)
32 FAO No.3878 of 2015 Accident claim -- claimants getting benefits under ESI Act claim under Section 166 of the Motor Vehicels Act --Not barred by Section 53 of ESI Act --- Section 53 of ESI Act bars only receiving similar compensation or benefits (Size:317.26 KB,Type:pdf)
33 FAO No. 4287 of 2005 Accident claim --- Act Policy -- Passengers in Private Passenger Car and Pillion Rider on Motor Cycle included --- entitled to compensation from Insurance Company. Concept of Gratuitous Passengers -- does not survive under Ne (Size:570.95 KB,Type:pdf)
34 RSA-988-2011 Suit for permanent injunction - based on claim under Section 53-A of Transfer of Property- Maintainable. (Size:230.37 KB,Type:pdf)
35 FAO- 4695-2013 Accident claim -- Future Prospects -- notional income --- is the established income for grant and calculation of Compensation on account of future prospects. (Size:203.20 KB,Type:pdf)
36 FAO-152 of 2017 Accident claim -vehicle registered and insured in India - Accident in Nepal-Insurance Company liable to pay compensation - No extra premium can be charged for third party insurance even for extra territorial coverage. (Size:168.82 KB,Type:pdf)
37 CRA-S-463-SB-2010 Accused fled from the spot - identification not established - independent witness given up - accused/appellant acquitted (Size:57.83 KB,Type:pdf)
38 RSA-2943-2017 Unilateral Cancellation of Agreement to Sell - No required to be challenged separately to maintain suit for specific performance. It is not even a valid defence in a suit for specific performance. (Size:90.76 KB,Type:pdf)
39 RSA- 351- 2016 Suit in the name of assumed business name of proprietary concern -- maintainable (Size:201.64 KB,Type:pdf)
40 RSA-3933-2017 Jurisdiction of Civil Court - not barred - in case of theft is alleged - and still demand is made by the Electricity Department. (Size:408.34 KB,Type:pdf)
41 RSA-2643-2012 Maintainability of counter claim against co-defendant (Size:244.22 KB,Type:pdf)
42 CWP-8015-2017 "Wrong Answer Key". The original paper setter cannot be completely dissociated from any process and has a duty to respond to the objections and that response must also be forwarded to the independent experts. (Size:526.58 KB,Type:pdf)
43 CWP-19349-2017 High Court restricts the Central Agencies from disrupting supply of electricity to State of Punjab in the wake of crisis emerging from conviction of Dera Sacha Sauda Head. (Size:85.53 KB,Type:pdf)