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Archive: Covid Notices

Disclaimer: Although every care has been taken to display the correct result on the website but the possibility of any error cannot be ruled out. The visitors to the site are requested to check the result with the concerned branch in case of any anomaly.
# Descripition Date
Extension of order dated 13.04.2020 regarding Officers/Officials of High Court 29.04.2020
1 Extension of order dated 13.04.2020 regarding District and Sub Divisional Courts 29.04.2020
2 Designation of Public Relations Officer for the High Court of Punjab and Haryana. 23.04.2020
3 Further Modification in the Urgent notification dated 22.03.2020 regarding mentioning 16.04.2020
4 Further modification in urgent notification dated 13.04.2020 regarding additional arrangement for mentioning and listing of cases. 15.04.2020
5 Urgent Notification regarding mentioning during Baisakhi Vacations w.e.f. 04.04.2020 to 14.04.2020 15.04.2020
6 Extension of order dated 22.03.2020 regarding Officers/Officials of High Court 14.04.2020
7 Extension of order dated 22.03.2020 regarding District and Sub Divisional Courts 14.04.2020
8 Extension of order dated 24.03.2020 14.04.2020
9 Extension of order dated 30.03.2020 regarding Officers/Officials of High Court 13.04.2020
10 Extension of order dated 30.03.2020 regarding District and Sub Divisional Courts 13.04.2020
11 Extension of order dated 22.03.2020 regarding adjournment of cases of this High Court. 13.04.2020
12 Instruction regarding proper precautionary measures due to COVID 19 to maintain social distancing. 11.04.2020
13 Modification in the Urgent notification dated 22.03.2020 regarding mentioning 03.04.2020
14 Modification in the Urgent notification dated 22.03.2020 regarding Limitation 03.04.2020
15 Urgent Notification regarding Curfew/Close Day in the state of Punjab 03.04.2020
16 Urgent Notification due to Coronavirus. 02.04.2020
17 Notice regarding postponement of Bi Monthly Lok Adalat. 30.04.2020