It gives me a great sense
of satisfaction today as a very large number of young lawyers, NGOs, who
are interested in protection of environment, have assembled on such a short
notice. I think it is not even 3 or 4 days back when Justice Anil Kumar, who
was sitting with me in the Division Bench at Delhi High Court, gave this
idea to have a chapter of APJA at Chandigarh. One day there was a special DB
at Chandigarh. Justice Surya Kant and Justice Rajeev Bhalla were with me
then I impressed upon them � the need of having environmental related forum
in these two most prosperous States of India i.e. Punjab and Haryana on
account of environmental degradation, pollution so that future generation
and our children have a better place to live in, the need of hour is that
lawyers and judges to interact and understand the contemporary
International law, how far it is applicable, in the realm of the municipal
law, and how far it will be inconsistent with the concept of sustainable
development. India ratified in 1972 in Stockholm Conference. Justice Surya
Kant and Justice Bhalla were candid enough to confess that in Chandigarh
they do not have such kind of interaction, nor any forum, and there is a
need to have such a forum.
A judge's job is to go to the court, hear the
cases and decide the cases. A lawyer's job is, a client comes, he has to
watch his interest, appear in the court and argue the matter and that is
the end of matter. You have to take the lead, may be there are very few
takers with you in the beginning but I am sure when you talk to enlightened
persons from all walk of life and generate interest, others will walk with
you. Therefore, we have to come out of our traditional work.
I am the Chief Justice, Professor R.C.Sobti
is the Vice Chancellor, Dr. Talwar is doctor and there are vacations but
there is something beyond our routine life and that is life as an Indian
Citizen, as an enlightened citizen a duty is cast upon us to lead and to
understand, not only for own individual benefit but to do, what we can, for
our generations to come. In 2003, Justice Y.K.Sabharwal as his Lordship
then was invited to Thai Supreme Court to speak and elaborate how the Indian
Judicial system, judicial intervention deals with the cases of environment
pollution and degradation. I do not know when he wrote back to Thai Supreme
Court. He recommended to the Thai Supreme Court to call me to Thailand. I
went to Thai Supreme Court, where we had a meeting, where we shared our
experiences of invoking Article 226 of the Constitution of India, Art. 32 of
Constitution of India by the Supreme Court and how the environmental issues
have been taken up in the Courts right from the time Justice Bhagwati in
70's and 80's starting from Bandhu Mukti Morcha. How Supreme Court has been
intervening to protect human dignity and environmental degradation and for
them it was a great experience. Thai Supreme Court constituted green benches
in Thailand. Then the question arose. This is not the only field of our
activities, there are others in the realm of intellectual property right,
ADR and so on. I am telling you because you constitute the nucleus of the
Chapter of the Asia Pacific Jurist Association in Chandigarh. Every body
knows that there is pollution, from inside of the house if you clean the
house and put everything in the street, the house is cleaned but street is
polluted. Industries will maintain from inside nice green lawns but
industrial effluent is discharged in a choe or in a rivulet or in a river
that creates environmental hazards. Therefore, environmental problems,
environmental enforcement and environmental awareness are three concepts,
which cannot be simply left to the Government Agencies. By Govt.
functionaries level of pollution cannot be reduced. Therefore, until and
unless, Citizens like you and me, who have the knowledge to understand the
things in clear perspective, come forward and extend our help in
understanding the issues and work for its solutions by taking up the cause
of finding out the best methods to do so, it is not possible to deal with
environmental degradation. It is with the participatory role of the stake
holders, we can have something to do in making this country, this place or
the States pollution free. It was with this idea, the need to have a forum
at Chandigarh.
I may like to tell that
now the standard which has been fixed, let's say by the Americans for
dealing with pollution, cannot be mutatis mutandis be made applicable
in the Indian conditions. Why? They have reached the stage of development
whereas we are still in the process of development. If we apply those
standard mutates mutandis to our environmental framework, then we are
hitting at the growth of this country. That will be against the principle of
sustainable economic development. Sustainable economic development means
that we must preserve, we must conserve our resources so that the future
generation may not accuse that our forefathers never thought of and they
plundered all the recourses. We have to develop we have to exploit our
resources, but it should be in consonance with our requirement, so that it
does not affect and degrade the pollution. The concept of American
jurisprudence in environmental law is prevailing and the test applied is
Fletcher's case basics emerges polluters pay principles. But these
principles take into consideration exceptions of the Industry that it was
beyond its control or industry could not apprehend the danger of activity
resulting in pollution. In such cases, damages were not levied. It was the
concept which was known for almost a century. Courts in India that is
Supreme Court went far ahead from these principle. In Oleam Gas leak case,
Supreme Court held as far as India is concerned there is strict liabilities
clause. One can not take the plea that a polluter never knew that activity
indulges in by industry will not result in degradation of environment.
The Japanese nuclear waste
passes through the pacific. I will give you an illustration. It goes via
Carribbean countries, it goes to other countries of South America, which has
its ill affect on the citizens and flaura and fauna of those
countries. Now if we apply the principles of `Fletcher�s case than Japanese
can take the plea that they never intended to cause any harm to the
countries of carribbeans or its flaura or fauna.
Similarly, environmental
degradation in our region is same everywhere. What the farmers do and how
they pollute the air by burning husk or leaves in India, in the same manner
in the paddy fields of Vietnam or Thailand or Colombo or Indonesia farmers
degrade the air. The habits of our people in Southeast Asia and Pacific
Region is almost similar. The developmental process is almost similar,
therefore, it was in this background that we thought that we must share our
experiences in this region. We have got similar problems we might have
similar solution to offer and we can enrich ourselves with experiences of
our people with the other people in the rest of the region. Now coming to
environmental problems because it is in this context requirement of chapter
of APJA in Punjab and Haryana is relevant. I am really grateful that all of
you have started a chapter with determination to address these issues in its
prospective and enrich yourself and enrich others who are less fortunate in
knowing or not knowing these issues.
second subject which we must address is of Intellectual Property Right.
Arbitration as a tool of Alternative Disputes Redressal Mechanism has not
been given to us from the University of California or other legal system, it
is a myth. From time immemorial my grandfather your grand father, great
grandfather in the matter of resolving disputes used to appoint a ''Salish''
(Arbitrator). The parties having faith in the integrity and independence of
a person was appointed as an arbitrator in this country from centuries.
When other countries of the world never knew what is the meaning of a
society ruled by principles of law. Our legal jurisprudence have
administered this Country from time immemorial. Under British
jurisprudence, the jurisprudence is 'King can do no wrong'. While in our
legal jurisprudence even the king is bound by the Dharma i.e. the Rule of
Law so how can we be inferior as far as the jurisprudence is concerned.
Intellecutal property rights, Alternative
Disputes Mechanism System, i.e. arbitration, meditation and conciliation, we
have to create infrastructure at India and other cities of our regional
neighbors. Time has come when lawyers, corporate, industrialist should have
a clause in this agreement for having place of arbitration in this region.
Why should we have an arbitration clause having place of arbitration only
in Landon or Zurich or in New York. Whey we have in the arbitration clause
between a Company of Thailand and India that place of arbitration should be
this region. Contract has been sighed between Philippine and India, the
Arbitration is taking place at Landon or elsewhere, in spite of a sound
system of law, inspite of eminent lawyers, inspite of eminent judges, why we
cannot create confidence that the International Arbitration, the Disputes
Redressal Mechanism can be adhered to the laws of the countries of this
region, which will benefit the industries, the lawyers and will create an
atmosphere even in the developed world that the regional mechanism of
dispensation of ADR is sound enough in this region.
The third subject as
far as APJA is concerned is Intellectual Property Right. We know that in
this region, cases of Intellectual Property Right are not much in Punjab
and Haryana High Court or at the District level. There are very few cases
which are filed but as I said yesterday, and I repeat it today with all
conviction, after 10 years the decade belong to State of Punjab and
Haryana. The kind of multi national corporate sector coming to Gurgaon,
Faridabad, Panchkula, Mohali, Chandigarh, Ludhiana, many cases of
Intellectual Property Right will be coming to these Courts. The lawyers
have to gear up. A case which I would like to recall because some of my
Judges friends are here. A case was filed by a Company, a drug Company,
very renowned drug company, I would not name it, case was that drug company
was a registered proprietor of the Patent as well as the Trade mark as well
as the product producing a tablet, international price was $ 12 per
capsule. That drug for last 30 years was manufactured by a Indian Company
in India. The foreign drug company wanted a restrain order against Indian
Company that this Indian Company cannot produce this medicine because they
are having a registered Trade mark and patent in India and having its patent
recognized in 120 countries of the world. I asked the Counsel appearing for
foreign drug company that in India the Indian drug company is selling the
same drug for 12 rupees. It is a life saving drug. I asked the counsel,
have you any intention of manufacturing this drug in India. He said, `No'.
I asked the petitioner then how can I grant you an injunction because you
have got a patent in 120 countries under the doctrine of transborder
reputation. A product may have transborder reputation but if the
manufacturer has allowed Indian Company to sell the product that is a life
saving drug for last 30 years in India without any demur or protest, how
the Indian Company can be injuncted for not manufacturing and selling the
drug. Life Saving drug that too for 12 rupees in comparison of 12 US $ per
tablet. I may add the Company categorically stated that it had no intention
of manufacturing the drug in India. Coupled with no intention of
manufacturing of the drug in India, how an injunction can be granted.
Judges have to perform some artisan work. I asked the petitioner, I give
you the liberty, if you come to this Country to produce the drug any time,
you can move an application for the modification of the order. I dismissed
the application.
There are other
interesting cases involving questions pertaining to amalgamation, take over
and absorption in the company matters. In a Company, a minority share
holders are left on account of majority share holders having some
understanding to put the price of share holding at a level much below net
worth of a company and then if minority share holders refuse to sell the
share holdings, many Courts dismiss their petition only taking into
consideration what is apparent and not real. These are the new issues, new
dimensions of globalization and new issues to be faced by Indian Courts
which you have to take into consideration. Another arena where Asia Pacific
Jurist association has organized some symposium, meetings, interactions in
I am sure under the
able stewardship of Justice Surya Kant and his colleagues APJA Chandigarh
will be in a position to take this chapter to greater heights by
dissemination of information. I wish you all success. I inaugurate this
chapter, I read a book and I found it very interesting. I quote from Alvin
Toffler's book, The Future Shock, some of you might have read it. I liked
the following paragraph:-
''Modern scientific and technological
progress is proceeding at a pace which has no parallel in history. Man is
planning of developing colonies on Moon and Mars. It is difficult to
understand whether it is shortage of space on earth which is persuading him
to do so or it is because of his finding difficulty of protecting against
the ill effects of technological, economic and social advances that he
proposes to find recluse somewhere else in the universe other than the
Earth. There is a need for a new dimension of thought process for us if we
have to survive.''
Thanking you very much.